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                     Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist


Hello, my name is Morgan Campbell and I'm a certified strength & conditioning specialist. I've acquired over a decade of experience in this industry with formal training specializing in enhancing sports performance and optimizing health and wellness. My certifications, formal education, and experience are in subjects such as; exercise physiology, biomechanics, motor learning, nutrition, and rehabilitation. I integrate these disciplines to curate safe and efficient strength and conditioning and rehabilitation programs.


While my expertise is geared towards high-performing athletes I have experience with the general population and youth athletes as well. ​My strength & conditioning programs can help in a variety of ways depending on your needs and goals. Each program I design is tailored towards a specific physiological adaptation. In other words, my programs are not just randomly put together for the sake of making the training session difficult, they are designed to accomplish a specific goal as it relates to physical fitness. For example, if you're a hockey player who is lacking acceleration, I can design a program that will improve that through a diagnostic and individualized approach. Alternatively, if your a recreational runner who finds themselves injured often, I can assess your form, find your weaknesses and design a program to make your body more injury resilient. Even if you're just looking to improve your overall health and wellness I can help with that too. All my programs are designed using evidence informed principles and delivered with a pragmatic approach. ​

Training Philosophy and Process

My goal is to create a high-performance training environment where my clients feel educated, empowered and yield results.


My training philosophy is rooted in the scientific principles of training and a “do no harm policy”. I use data, self-reflection, critical thinking and evidence-based research to assist with all aspects of programming and training. My philosophy is in line with the scientific method; test, analyze, implement, monitor, re-test and adapt. Furthermore, my training process begins with a thorough assessment including; a biomechanical movement assessment, and a strength and energy system performance assessment. Using this information I will create a personalized program to address the needs of the individual specific to their goals.


To further elaborate, I incorporate the principles of S.P.O.R.T. into my program design. My perspective and integration of these principles is as follows:


Specificity: Training will be specific to the individual with consideration to the needs of the athlete, the sport and training history. Generally, a 2-4 year building block will be required before developing more advanced applications of strength and power and “sport-specific” biomechanics. Furthermore, I apply the S.A.I.D principle to training which stands for Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands. With the understanding that the body adapts to the demands placed upon it, specific activities will therefore develop specific adaptations and ultimately specific results. Utilizing this principle allows for precise results as opposed to a “shotgun approach” or generalized approach.


 Progression: Logical progression will be followed in terms of gradual introduction to workload without excess fatigue. Progression of motor skills and exercise selection will develop from beginner to advance on a case-by-case basis. Careful attention to technique and the physiological response from training will ensure adequate progression as well as regression if necessary.


 Overload: In conjunction with progression, increased intensity/volume will be built up reasonably to induce soft tissue resiliency and strength improvements. These increases will be carefully monitored to avoid high “spikes” in volume to mitigate the risk of soreness, overtraining and injury.


 Reversibility: “Use it or lose it”. If you stop participating in a specific exercise or application of a specific amount of force you will lose the ability to successfully complete that exercise or produce that amount of force. However, you can slow the rate of loss substantially by performing “low dose” training. Low dose training is a method I use for in-season training with competitive athletes to keep them in peak shape while avoiding the consequences of high volume training.


Tedium: To avoid boredom, I attempt to build trust and inclusion. Specifically, I see value in giving athletes some autonomy in terms of exercise selection. This could be in the form of specific warm-up drills or primary lifts. The idea here is that including the person in the discussion of programming opens up a healthy and realistic dialogue that is goal-oriented and allows for me and the client to look out for their best interest together. Furthermore, I try to make the training environment fun when appropriate. This could be in the form of games or something as simple as allowing clients to play their music during the session.


 In conclusion, through applied sports science, clear communication and careful progression my training philosophy has worked for many clientele of all ages and skill levels. My philosophy will never be set in stone as I will always look to improve it with experience, continuing education and a growth mindset.

Coffee and Book



Advanced science degree with a specific focus in exercise physiology, strength and conditioning training and critical thinking, covering topics such as: coaching, biomechanics, evidence based research, advanced statistics and research design as well as a year long dissertation.


Specialized science degree with a specific focus in studying human movement and nutrition as it relates to the enhancement of human performance, health promotion, prevention and management of chronic disease.


Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists (CSCS) are professionals who apply scientific knowledge to train athletes for the primary goal of improving athletic performance. They conduct sport-specific testing sessions, design and implement safe and effective strength and conditioning programs; In addition, provide guidance regarding nutrition and injury prevention.


USA Weightlifting Sports Performance Coach (USAW-SPC). Weightlifting specific course consisting of learning about movement assessments, motor learning, biomechanics, coaching and programming specific to the snatch, clean and jerk, and assistance lifts.


Certified Functional Strength Coach (CFSC). Strength and conditioning course with an emphasis on practical application and coaching of the systems used by Mike Boyle covering all components of fitness for youth and adult general training.


Florida Panthers

Former Affiliated Strength and Conditioning Coach with the Florida Panthers organization overseeing the delivery of strength and conditioning, sport science, reconditioning and nutrition services for their American Hockey league Team the Charlotte Checkers.

Florida Panthers


Former Head Strength and Performance Coach overseeing the development and delivery of strength and conditioning to 4 varsity sports teams and 1 club team.

Cape Breton University

Cape Breton Eagles
Canadian Sport Institute
Synergy Fitness

Former Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Eagles Quebec Major Junior Hockey League team.

Cape Breton Eagles

Former Intern Strength Coach with NG Luge, BC Alpine, BC Biathlon, and BC XC Ski. In addition, working with National teams such as Ski cross and various disciplines of Snowboarding.

Canadian Sport Institute; Pacific

Former Director of High-Performance Training and Education.

Synergy Fitness & Nutrition


Former Head Strength and Conditioning Coach
-Men's and Women's Varsity Hockey
-Women's Varsity Basketball

University of Prince Edward Island

Mount Academy

Former Head Strength and Conditioning Coach

The Mount Academy; Private School


Former Men's and Women's Strength and Conditioning Coach

PEI Abbies: Canadian Super league Rugby


Former Strength and Conditioning Coach

 Mudmen RFC

The Core Whistler

Former Strength and Conditioning Coach

The Core Whistler

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